We asked some incredible women what their age means to them, from becoming more confident to defying expectations. Join us in our mission to celebrate beauty at every age.
Meet Lisa Laflamme
Award Winning Journalist / Humanitarian
“I'm not trying to look young. I'm trying to age well, age with grace.”

Meet Vânia Aguiar
Advocate - Fashion and Beauty Journalist
“Celebrating your age means taking care of yourself."

The Power Pair
Lisa & Vânia
"I’m happy that, because of my age, I got to meet you.“

The #BecauseOfMyAge movement celebrates women, their achievements, and their beauty. It centers around the stories that make women the inspirational and aspirational individuals they are. Our goal is to make women feel seen, valued, celebrated, and inspired by each other’s stories.
What do you do because of your age?
Join the conversation and share your story using #BecauseofMyAge.